
nonnas nonsense

maybe, might be, making no promises, monday

Posted by nonnasnonsense on February 26, 2012

Hello..oo..oo. Wow, that’s quite an echo in here. So, as the title suggests, I have been thinking about getting back to my bloggy world.  I still don’t know if this is just a passing fancy or something I will actually be following through with, but I think I’m going to give it a try. Hopefully, I will manage to write something now and then without going all OCD about reading and commenting on other blogs.  I don’t even know if that is why I stopped writing, but I do know that I have missed a LOT of people and I’m looking forward to reconnecting with y’all. I’m supposed to be studying right now, so I’m not going to try to catch up on the last year (or has it been TWO years??) of my life right now. I just wanted to give a shout  out to let people know I’m still alive and (hopefully) will be back soon with all the good and bad deets of my life.

Crap, I just realized I have completely forgotten how to blog lol. I think a refresher course and definitely a remodel of my blog is going to be in order. I sure hope this isn’t too complicated for my poor brain to re-learn 🙂

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